Ravenscraig Landscaping Information

Ravenscraig/Bunstone Grove Landscaping


Please be aware that the Association does not landscape this development and that this service is provided by Curb.

 grass 2

After further consultation with CURB regarding common landscaping, we can advise that the landscaping programme is now in place.  Please click Here to see the colour coded plan which shows the areas maintained and how often they should be getting cut. 

Areas shaded yellow, are classed as “wildflower and meadow grass”.  This was originally only to be cut twice per year.  After consultation this will now been increased to 4 times per year.

Areas shaded green are classed as “general amenity grass”  This will be cut every 4 weeks along with shrub bed maintenance. 

Areas shaded red are wetlands and are not cut.

Should you have any further issues regarding landscaping at Ravenscraig/Bunston Grove site please contact CURB by email factoring@curb.scot or visit their website https://www.curb.scot/factoring.