
We aim to perform to the highest standards possible and so we produce a variety of reports and plans each year which demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement.

Each year, we produce Oak Tree Outcomes, which is a report of how we have done in meeting the requirements of the Scottish Social Housing Charter.  This is produced for our tenants and was drafted from their input to make sure it covered the points they wanted to know about.  

You can find out more about OTHA’s performance in our documents library where you can read our copies of our Annual Reports, Oak Tree Outcomes and Newsletters from our Documents Page.

If you would like copies of these in a different format please let us know - we can produce versions on request in Braille, Audio Tape, Large Print and Community Languages. If you would like to compare our performance outcomes with other landlords the Scottish Housing Regulator has useful tools available.

Information can also be found on the Scottish Housing Regulators website about how they regulate social landlords.