Help Shape The Services We Deliver
We want your input into our service standards and performance to ensure the services we provide are of the highest quality.
Tenant participation is your right. You experience the services that we provide. Harnessing your knowledge is the best way for us to learn and improve. Getting your input involves sharing information, respecting different views and perspectives, problem-solving and working together.
The Scottish Social Housing Charter sets out the outcomes we should be achieving for tenants and makes tenant participation a key part of how we monitor our service standards and performance. The Charter requires OTHA to put tenants at the heart of everything they do when making decisions about the services they receive.
We want to work with you to build trust, respect and partnership, so that your involvement produces clear benefits for tenants, staff and your community. We have worked with tenants on many areas that concerned them such as setting up our social media, reducing dog fouling, setting performance standards, the annual rent increase and lots of policy reviews.
If you get involved, you can:
have a say in the service standards that are set and the targets for assessing how well we are doing
play a part in monitoring our performance and suggesting where standards need to change to give better value for money
influence how we deliver services by suggesting changes or improvements
develop new skills and gain experience
help to build relationships with other tenants in your community
There are many ways you can get involved now. You can:
join a temporary group looking at an area of our service
connect with us on our Facebook page
take part in the annual Wednesday Walkabout in your estate or any other tenant event
respond to any if our satisfaction surveys or consultations
set up a Registered Tenants Organisation
complain or comment on any area of service – these are all reviewed by our Senior Team or Management Committee
The possibilities are endless and we are happy to look at any new ways of involving tenants in our work. If you are interested in finding out more on any of these ways of getting involved, contact Hazel Aitken for more information.
We believe you should never be out of pocket for getting involved and will provide transport costs. We can also provide information in alternative formats or organise interpreters.